DriverDon’t Tell Your Driver Your House is Vacant
You might have seen in the news last week that an Uber driver has been accused of trying to rob a passenger’s home after dropping her off at the airport. It’s unfortunate that it happened (though fortunate that he got caught), but the lesson here is to never tell your driver that your house will be empty. If you live alone or will be traveling with housemates, it could even be worth pretending you’re saying goodbye to a fictional friend watching the house. Or have your taxi/Uber/limo driver pick you up in front of your neighbor’s house.



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2 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Don’t Tell Your Driver Your House is Vacant"
  1. Pat|

    Good tip. Expand the idea with never having your address show on outside tags, use a business or other address. Also, be aware that when you park at the airport, it is easy for others to trace your license and then check your home.

  2. zaharindi|

    your tips useful..
    for some foreigner must be careful with potential crime in country that you would to come
    first we dont know about the local language and beacuse it we dont know about the what the people say to us
    it much better if use technology to fix it i mean like google translate or something else like that

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