TSAPolitely Ask for a Supervisor If the TSA Tries to Confiscate Something That’s Not Illegal
Following yesterday’s security tip, here’s another today: A few weeks ago I was flying from New York to Los Angeles on American Airlines. For some reason my TSA PreCheck didn’t register so I had to stand in the regular security line. Trust me, it felt awful as TSA PreCheck has spoiled me, letting me cruise through security and not having to take my liquids and laptop out or shoes and jacket off.

But after going through the regular line and having an overzealous TSA agent tell me that my toenail clipper couldn’t fly in my carry-on, I was glad for the experience. I’m guessing by the look on the agent’s face that most passengers would probably say okay and go on with their day. But instead, I politely asked for a supervisor to see if this agent was in the right. Fortunately, the boss sided with me and let me keep my favorite nail clipper and have well-groomed toes. The lesson? Try and reason with the boss!



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