CallGo to the DOT for Help with a Complaint
I was recently having lunch with my friend Kendra Thornton, President of Royal Travel & Tours, who told me about a recent ordeal she went through with Frontier Airlines. She says the airline wasn’t helpful until she filed a complaint with the Department of Transportation. I asked her if she would write about her experience in her own words for, and here’s what she had to say:

“Frontier Airlines cancelled me off one of their flights without my knowledge and failed to notify me, so I showed up at the airport with my kids, only to find out there were no seats for us on the plane. I filed a grievance with the DOT and was refunded the money I spent on the original Frontier tickets AND the money I spent to purchase last-minute, one-way fares on United to get to my final destination. The DOT will step in and ensure the airline responds directly within 30 days to any complaint filed, but in my experience, I heard back in 48 hours and found them to be exceptionally helpful. For more details, visit”

Have you ever filed a complaint with the DOT? If yes, what was your experience? Let us know in the comments!



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