Allow Extra Time Getting to LGA
No doubt you heard Vice President Joe Biden’s comment in 2014: “If I blindfolded you and took you to LaGuardia Airport in New York, you must think, ‘I must be in some third world country.’” I’d felt the same way for some time but LGA was still my (and many locals’) favorite out of the terrible three: LGA, JFK and EWR. That’s because it would take only 18 minutes to drive to/from Manhattan if you didn’t hit traffic. And that’s also why I used to plan my flights for around 1 pm.

Now that the government is trying to make the airport state-of-the-art and has begun a $5.3 billion project to make it something special, it has many travelers and drivers irritated. The traffic is so bad it’s not uncommon to see passengers getting out of their cabs or Uber cars (here are my Uber tips) and walking with their luggage in hand to the airport. If you’re heading to LGA, allow yourself an extra hour or two since there’s a good chance terminal roadways will be congested.

My buddy and frequent traveler Dan Nainan, who lives close to the Flatiron Building in Manhattan, advises travelers to take public transportation. He says he can get to LGA in one hour when he takes the F train to Roosevelt Avenue/Jackson Heights and then the very fast Q70 bus to LGA. FYI: The Q70 is express with no stops, and replaced the very slow Q33 a couple of years ago

H/T to Pix11.



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