Natalie with phonePokemon Go Safety
I’m pretty sure you found yourself scratching your head when you found out that much of the world was going bananas over a new free app called Pokemon Go. The app uses Google Maps and GPS, making it almost surreal as you try to catch Pokemon characters in real life. (FYI: Pokemon comes from the words “pocket monsters” and it became popular in the 1990s after the release of animated television shows and video games.)

I downloaded and caught my first Pokemon while in Connecticut last week. I needed some help from my brother’s kids, who showed me the ropes. It was fun, but I didn’t allow myself to get sucked into it like so many people around the globe have. It’s fun to play, but it can be both a safety concern and inappropriate. Why? Because users are getting so engrossed in the game that they aren’t paying attention to road hazards, they’re getting suckered by criminals, and, in some cases, they’re playing in inappropriate places like cemeteries, at memorials and inside some museums (see below).

Think twice (or for some people, three times!) about your surroundings before you play Pokemon Go.

Related: It’s not all bad! Via Skift, Pokemon Go Is Already a Big Boon for Small Museums.



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