Banff National Park Alberta Canada April 2015-026Six Places to Travel while the Dollar Is Strong
The Christian Science Monitor just featured a story on five places to travel to while the dollar is strong. They recommend US travelers visit South Africa ($1 US = 14.64 ZAR), Brazil ($1 US = 3.53 BRL), Russia ($1 US = 67.92 RUB), Japan ($1 US = 108 JPY), and any country using the Euro ($1 US = 0.89 EUR). All are far less expensive than they have been in the past five years thanks to the strength of the US dollar.

The article does a great job giving a detailed look at the potential savings in these places, but they did overlook one country: our neighbor to the north. According to, the currency exchange rate website used in the article and above, $1.00 US currently equals $1.29 CAD, making it a huge bargain for Americans. And it’s by far the closest of the group, and you don’t even have to fly there. I’ve visited many times, especially since my wife is Canadian, and in fact, I was in Canada two days ago accompanying her to her US immigration meeting in Montreal. Below are some stories to get you excited about Canada from me and other Johnny Jet contributors:



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