Driving to Banff

The Best Times to Drive This Thanksgiving
Can you believe Thanksgiving is on Thursday? According to AAA, 46.9 million Americans will hit road this week, the highest number since 2007. That means there’s most likely going to be some serious traffic.

According to my favorite navigation app Waze, the best day to hit the road is on Thanksgiving Day itself. If you’re driving on Thursday, they suggest avoiding between noon and 4 pm, so make sure to head out before or after.

The worst driving days will be Tuesday and Wednesday. The roads and highways will see an increase in traffic starting 1 pm on Tuesday and the heaviest traffic will come between 4 pm and 8 pm. On Wednesday, things will get messy at 11 am and last all day.

Returning on Sunday, it will start to get busy at 10 am and the major traffic jams will hit between 1 pm and 6 pm. Here’s to a happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!

H/T Time.com.



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