BathroomUse the Loo Right After Takeoff
The moment the seatbelt sign goes off after takeoff, I get up to use the loo—even if I don’t really have to go to the bathroom that badly. I do it because I know that at this moment, I won’t have to wait in a line, I won’t be blocked by the drink and food carts (which will be rolling down the aisles a few minutes later), and that by waiting, there’s a risk that we fly over a long patch of rough air and I won’t get the chance. So go when you know you can!

FYI: The First Class bathroom pictured above can be found on British Airways’ A380 service between LAX-London Heathrow. Here’s my post on my experience flying First Class on its inaugural flight.



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7 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Use the Loo Right After Takeoff"
  1. jammer|

    Agreed. Also…that will be the cleanest time the restroom will ever be on that flight!

  2. Ginny Driggs|

    I frequently go even before take-off if I am sitting towards the back. I also prefer aisle seats so I can get up easily without having to trip over someone else.

  3. Shannon|

    I always try to go right before boarding, for similar reasons.

    1. The Guy|

      I’m like you Shannon. If I go before boarding then at least it is out of the way for a while. I think a few passengers are like Jonny Jet and go straight after take off, that’s when the queues form!

      Either way, before or after take off, just get in early :-)

  4. Susan W. Smith|

    I agree on every thing you said and add the following. The Loo is clean at this point. In fact, the last trip I took on United, the Loo had to be unlocked for me to use it. It was pristine.
    Sue in San Diego.

  5. Robert|

    That makes no sense to me. When they start the boarding process, instead of being one of the lurking clowns gathered around the boarding area, go to the bathroom then.

  6. adventurer stacey|

    I actually thought when I read the headline that it would be because the loo is cleanest then.

    I’m not so keen on airplane loos, but if you gotta go, you better go earlier…

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