SFOLeave Time for Early Flights, Too
I had a 6:15 am flight recently, and it reminded me that I need to shake the mentality that just because a flight is super early, the airport won’t be crowded. I actually find quite the opposite to be true, and for some crazy reason, I keep forgetting that! Luckily, I have TSA PreCheck so on this occasion I was able to bypass the long and slow security line, but if I didn’t, I would have been cutting it way too close. As I was reminded once again, always leave plenty of time for your flight—even the early morning ones.

FYI: The terminal photographed above is SFO’s beautiful Terminal 2, which I give 10 reasons to love here.



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2 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Leave Time for Early Flights, Too"
  1. tish|

    Johnny Jet you are so right about airports being crowded early in the morning….drove our daughter and her cousin from TO to Buffalo for a flight to Chicago and the line up was snaking through the hall when we got there….the Delta ground crew told us it is because all the initial morning flights have the same take off time so it is packed with passengers waiting to get to their departure gate. If the security hadn’t let the girls go through ahead of others in the line they would have missed their flight altogether…they were fast tracked because their flight was finished boarding but I wouldn’t count on being let through the line like that…..just lucky I guess with some on the ball security people.

  2. Stephen Embry|

    Good advise. One note: I recently found out the hard way that just because you purchase into the Known Traveler program doesn’t mean it will always be noted on your boarding pass. Apparent TSA or perhaps the airlines randomly decides that you won’t get the pre check on occasion. So always check your boarding pass and if it’s not there come to the airport a little earlier

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