Natalie with phoneOne of the great things about just having a baby is that I’m forced to stay home, which gives me extra time to explore my house and phone. It’s amazing when you have a newborn sleeping in your arms in the middle of the night and you can’t do anything but play with your phone (on silent).

One of the things I came across that I think travelers will love is the ability to change Siri’s voice on your iPhone/iPad. (Of course, I had to put in my earbuds so I wouldn’t disturb you-know-who.) Now it’s so fun to have Siri speak with a British (or Australian) accent. You can even change the voice from female to male.

Now when I ask Siri a question and my friends are around, they’re like, “How do you have a British Siri?” I first tell them I’m special but then I end up saying it takes less than one minute to change it. Here’s how.

Here’s how to change Siri’s voice:
Go to Settings —> Siri —-> Siri Voice and then choose “Accent” (American, Australian or British). Here is where you can also choose gender (male or female).

Note: I’m on an iPhone 6 Plus and I read that the different voices are only available on 5 or higher. Here’s what Google has to say.



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