Broken mug 720x360Each Friday, we feature a reader-submitted tip as our Travel Tip of the Day. This week’s tip comes from reader Joseph G., who adds an important addendum to last week’s tip:

The method of testing if your freezer has unknowingly gone through a defrost cycle is spot-on except for one thing. If you ‘freeze a mug of water’ you run the risk of cracking a ceramic or glass mug during the freezing process.

I have first-hand knowledge of someone who placed several mugs of water into the freezer, hoping for some large ice cubes. Unfortunately, the majority of them had cracked when the water froze and the ice expanded. Water expands approximately 11% when it freezes.

Try this with a plastic or paper cup. Better yet, use an old-fashioned ice cube tray and nickels. You can pick an inexpensive ice cube tray at your local dollar store. You don’t want to destroy the ‘WORLD’S GREATEST MOM’ mug by accident.”

Thanks, Joseph! I just wish you’d sent in this tip a few hours earlier! That way, I’d still have one of my wife’s favorite tea mugs!



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2 Comments On "Don't Use Breakable Cups for the Freezer Test"
  1. Ken Ono|

    A very easy method to checking if your power goes out while you’re away is to just put an ice cube in a zip lock bag. If the power goes out, the ice cube will melt. When you return home you’ll see the bag has frozen water on the bottom, no longer shaped like an ice cube.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      Good tip!

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