Hotel hair dryer

You probably know by now I’m a borderline germaphobe, especially when I travel. I almost always wipe down my plane seat, hotel room and rental car with antibacterial wipes, and I wash my hands often. But according to a shocking ABC News investigation, the dirtiest item in a hotel room is—get this—the hotel hair dryer!

“There must be some things you can do with a hair dryer that I am not aware of because some of them were pretty germy” said Microbiologist Chuck Gerba after conducting germ tests in nine different Los Angeles-area hotels.

I wrote an article on 10 things you don’t need to pack, and one of them was a hair dryer since they take up too much room. Well, it looks like I might have to edit that article. And in case you’re wondering, you’re right: I don’t have enough hair to use a hair dryer.

H/T to MSN.



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5 Comments On "Why You Should Never Use the Hotel Hair Dryer"
  1. Pu|

    Might as well just stay at home

  2. Kristen Meyers|

    why not just wipe it down like everything else and then save the space in our suitcases? :)

  3. Izy Berry|

    Wait what? How is that even possible?

  4. Lori Longoria|

    Great to know. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Melina Beltran|

    While traveling, I do my best to stay away from germs that could get me sick. Traveling weakens the immune system and I don’t need to take any chances! Now, I’m definitely taking caution when using those “free” amenities like the blow dryer and TV remote.

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