I was watching Good Morning America recently on ABC and they aired a segment about dramatic rescues of people who’d fallen through the ice. The most important part is the last half where an expert gives tips on how to survive if you fall through the ice. I think this is valuable and timely information since much of the country is experiencing below freezing temperatures.

Just the other day, I was scrolling on Facebook and saw pictures my childhood friends had posted of people skating on ponds again in Connecticut, where I grew up. That used to be a normal annual occurrence but with climate change, it’s been a rare occasion the last couple of decades.

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Those photos brought back memories of when I used to play ice hockey with my friends on snow days or weekends. It also triggered memories of the time I fell through the ice while trying to retrieve a puck. It was a miserable and scary experience but fortunately the pond wasn’t that deep. But it sure would have been good to know these potentially life-saving tips:

-Put your arms out on the ice and try not sink.. The expert says you could live for 30-60 minutes longer or more.

-Don’t panic. Take slow deep breaths.

-Kick and pull instead of trying to push yourself straight up. Kick like crazy.

-When out of the ice, don’t stand up. Roll your way to safety.

-If you see someone fall through ice, don’t try to help. Instead, call 911.

You can watch the segment here or see more detailed instructions on WikiHow.com.

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2 Comments On "How to Survive if You Fall Through the Ice"
  1. Marlin Yoder|

    That’s odd that the ice hasn’t been freezing over in the New England states, in Ohio it’s been freezing over every winter for the last several years, just as it always has.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      That’s good to hear. Not in Connecticut

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