StoplightAlways Look Twice in an Intersection
Today’s travel tip is a smart life tip, as well: Look both ways before pulling out of an intersection when you’re driving. My wife and I almost got plowed by a car the other day when an oblivious driver—coming from the left side as we drove through an intersection—didn’t see that they had a red light. Luckily, I always follow the advice my brother gave me when I first started driving years ago: Always look both ways before crossing an intersection, whether you’re driving or on foot, even when the light is green.

FYI: I waited at the stoplight above on a 2009 trip to Israel.



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1 Comment On "Travel Tip of the Day: Always Look Twice in an Intersection"
  1. David Chadwick|

    This is a GREAT tip. It becomes much more important, in my experience, when, as an American, I am driving in one of those British-influenced places of the world. In those places, they drive on the OTHER side of the road; hence, they approach your intersection FROM THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION that you expect as normal (at least for me, I have this visual distortion). BE EXTRA ALERT. I look at 2X extra times when I am in England or Ireland or such.

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