Seat Check for Outlets on the Plane
You’d think this would be common sense by now, but on my last two flights, my seatmate had no idea that there was an electrical outlet under their seat. They’re often hidden but chances are there is one if you’re on a new plane. All you have to do is look, ask a flight attendant or consult using your flight information. Here’s an example.



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5 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Check for Outlets on the Plane"
  1. wgchinn|

    Since I only fly economy, and most outlets are in Suite/Business this tip does not apply to me. Thanks anyway for letting me know what I’m missing.

    1. Johnny Jet|

      I was talking about economy.

    2. Bob Cone|

      I see them in coach all the time in economy, but not every seat like in first class

  2. Paula Mayer|

    I had same experience yesterday. Unfortunately we were on the ground 3 hrs waiting for de-icing and atc clearance and the power plugs don’t work until full power after takeoff

  3. Adventurer Stacey|

    Seat Guru is awesome! Everyone should check it before they fly – just think, someone else did all that work so you don’t have to!

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