Umbrella in RomeDon’t Buy an Umbrella on the Street
Yesterday’s tip
was about always packing a compact umbrella. What I left out, and what I should have mentioned, is that you should never (unless it’s a monsoon) buy a cheap umbrella on the streets of a big city like New York. I made that mistake once as I couldn’t pass up the $5 price tag, but the dye from the umbrella ended up running onto my coat and staining it for good. If you need an umbrella, go into a department store and buy one. Stay away from the street vendors. That $5 umbrella ended up costing me a coat.

FYI: I photographed the guy above selling umbrellas in Rome on a trip there in 2010.



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2 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Don't Buy an Umbrella on the Street"
  1. Doreen Figg|

    Did the same umbrella shopping in New York about 15 years ago. It also blew apart and emded up buying a good one. Now I pack my own.

  2. KB|

    Thanks for the tip. That is something I never would have thought of.

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