Rio, when I visited in 2009
Rio, when I visited in 2009

Lochte-Inspired Rio Safety Advice
If you’ve been following the news, you’ve likely heard that Olympic gold-medal-winner Ryan Lochte and a few other US Olympic swimmers were robbed by fake police who pulled over their taxi in Rio. If this ever happens to you, don’t be a tough guy like Ryan, who initially refused to put his arms up and lie down on the ground. Since there were no flashing lights, the taxi driver was obviously in on it, so if you’re involved in an incident like this one, be sure to get the driver’s name and license plate number and report the robbery and the driver to the real police.

As I’ve mentioned before, Rio is notorious for crime. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has lived there that hasn’t been robbed. Tourist spots aren’t safe either. According to the UK government, “A number of tourists have reported thefts and robberies around Rio’s beaches and in Lapa and Satna Teresa; attempted robberies have been reported on the walking trail to the Christ the Redeemer statue.” In Rio, you should use extreme caution and never take anything of value with you, including your wedding rings.

A friend and Johnny Jet writer was once mugged in Barcelona and thankfully survived the scary incident. Read about her experience here and check out her tips to help you travel safer.



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