Delray-Beach-Marriott-New-Villas-April-2013-006-610x404Register All Hotel Room Occupants
I was just at the Delray Beach Marriott in Florida with my dad. I made the reservation myself and forget to add my dad to it. That turned out to be a mistake because when he left the key in his room, the front desk (rightly) wouldn’t give him a new one since his ID didn’t match the (only) name on the reservation. Luckily, I was close by and was able to resolve the situation, but the lesson here is to make sure you add the name(s) of the person(s) you’re sharing a room with to your reservation. That way, if they get locked out, they can get back in without you.

Note: Even having the same last name as the person on the reservation isn’t always enough, as to hotel agents you could be an estranged relative or just a random person with the same name.



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2 Comments On "Travel Tip of the Day: Register All Hotel Room Occupants"
  1. Anonymous|

    Bring a sharpie! Put a small initial of person in room on each key card. We typically get a key for each person,(teenagers!) and always have multiple keys/rooms. No more fighting over who “lost” the key and we can easily figure out which key goes to which room. :)

    1. Johnny Jet|

      Good one!

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