When I read this report on TipHero.com, it shocked me because I’ve been using toilet paper to line toilet seats or blow my nose for years.

According to Dr. William Schaffer, M.D., a professor of preventative medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, “toilet seats are not a vehicle for the transmission of any infectious agents—you won’t catch anything.” It turns out that most toilet seats are made from materials that prevent bacteria from spreading, and are rounded for the same reason.

He says the germs in a restroom are in the toilet paper! WHAT?! But it kind of makes sense since toilet paper is absorbent and everyone uses their dirty bare hands to touch toilet paper and less so to touch the toilet seat. Read the whole thing here.



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5 Comments On "Why You Shouldn't Use Public Restroom Toilet Paper"
  1. Bettina Salter|

    Love ya, Johnny but this is too much over the top! Your germaphobia is really showing! You may use toilet paper in public bathrooms! Maybe you can skip the nose-blowing but please use it for its intended purpose–wiping your nether areas when needed! Signed, a woman–we use toilet paper many times more often than men, methinks!

    1. Johnny Jet|

      I agree with you. It is too much

  2. Bettina Salter|

    BTW, I forgot to mention that good handwashing is the most important thing. That can negate the effects of picking up germs in the environment. And now that you are a dad, it’s even more important to practice good handwashing!

  3. Lini Antony|

    Use hand-rubs. The perfect solution against these type of issues. Btw, nice post.

  4. Pooja|

    Yes your point is correct.Cleanliness is very important aspect specially when you use public restroom.

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