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Check out the video above for our whole conversation and below for his “Cliff Notes” version as well as his abbreviated answers and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

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Twitter: @Crankyflier
Instagram: @crankyflier
Facebook: CrankyConcierge
Hometown: Southern California
Residence: Long Beach, CA
College: George Washington University & Stanford
College major: Business
Earliest travel memory: Flying to Hawaii
How many countries have you been to? 40
How many continents have you been to? 5
Favorite American city: Washington, DC
Favorite international city: London
Friendliest people in the world: South Pacific
Country with the meanest immigration officers: Cuba (see video)
Favorite aircraft type: 747-400
Sat next to any famous celebs: Buzz Aldrin
Favorite U.S. airport: Long Beach
Favorite international airport: Seoul Incheon
Best place for plane spotting: LAX’s In-N-Out
Favorite airport lounge: BA’s Concorde Lounge
Have you ever flown on the Concorde: Yes (see video)
Favorite hotel: Atticus Hotel in Oregon
Favorite travel credit card: Chase Sapphire Preferred (Read our Chase Sapphire Preferred review here)
Favorite island: Molokai
Favorite beach: Southside of Maui
Favorite restaurant: Gerard’s Restaurant in Maui
Favorite food: Dollar Chinese
Craziest thing you’ve eaten: Something half alive in Korea
Drink of choice (in the air and on the ground): Scotch
Favorite travel movie(s): Baseball movies
Favorite Airplane movie: Airplane
Favorite travel show(s): Hawaii Five-O
Favorite travel book(s): Anything by Bill Bryson
What’s the most important thing travel has taught you: How small you really are
Worst travel moment: See video 32:00
Most embarrassing travel moment: See video 33:00
What’s your dream destination? Australia
What’s the Milk Run: See video 34:51
Best travel tip: Bring your patience

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